
This is Mark's blog.

Mark Pirie included in NZ Cricket Museum interactive sound display

In April 2012, the New Zealand Cricket Museum's new touch screen interactive sound display opened at the Basin Reserve in Wellington.

Four of my cricket poems and two photos of me have been included in the display.

A full report I wrote on the interactive appears on Beattie's Book Blog.

You can read the story online at:

The interactive is an amazing project to have been involved in. An historic and innovative display in relation to cricket museums worldwide.

My thanks go to the hard work of the museum's director David Mealing.

Tim Jones interviews Mark Pirie

Last month, Wellington writer and editor Tim Jones interviewed me for his blog Books in the Trees (27 April 2012).

The interview gives a very good overview of my work in the past two years particularly with my research into forgotten or neglected New Zealand poets and poetry. It also discusses the cricket poetry anthology A Tingling Catch and my poetry writing.

You can read the full interview at:

Tim also published my poem on The White Stripes as his Tuesday Poem selection that week.

Cordite review of Mark Pirie's A Tingling Catch

A good and generous review of my cricket poetry anthology, A Tingling Catch, appeared in Cordite Poetry Review (20 February 2012) in Australia, an online review site for Australian and other miscellaneous books.

The review was written by the Australian poet Penelope Cottier, one of the Top 20 finalists for the 2011 Cricket Poetry Award.


HeadworX releases cult 1980s NZ cricket novel

My publishing company HeadworX has just released a new edition of Michael O'Leary's cult cricket novel, Out of It, a satirical and comic novel, also a celebration of the 1980s beige New Zealand team.

The novel is a surreal one-day match between New Zealand (Hadlee, Coney, Cowe et al) and an invitation world Out of It XI (featuring Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Lord Byron, Oscar Wilde, James Joyce...).

See the book information page here for more details.