
This is Mark's blog.

Mark Pirie appears in Australasian Macao, China anthology

I will appear in the forthcoming anthology, Notes for the Translators: Poems from 142 New Zealand and Australian Poets.

The book is intended to be offered to Chinese mainstream publishers for translation.

My poem is 'Progress' (also anthologised in Bill Sewell and Lauris Edmond's Essential New Zealand Poems (Godwit/Random House, 2001)) is included.

Notes for the Translators was collected and edited by Christopher (Kit) Kelen of the University of Macao, China. It also features other leading New Zealand and Australian poets like Les A Murray, John Kinsella, David Eggleton, James Norcliffe, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Michael O'Leary and Niel Wright.

Mark Pirie's A Tingling Catch in Cricket Society Journal

It was nice to find my anthology of cricket poetry, A Tingling Catch, mentioned in the Journal of the Cricket Society in London.

Two cricket books I edited: A Tingling Catch and Michael O'Leary's Out of It are given brief reviews by John Symons alongside recent cricket books.

It is great for NZ cricket writing to receive mentions in their journal. Here are the brief reviews:

Review of A Tingling Catch - A Century of New Zealand Cricket Poems 1864-2009
Mark Pirie, Editor (HeadworX Wellington, New Zealand)

This is a reprint of the book originally published in 2010 and it's fair to say that the content is a little uneven, with a too-large number of parodies of other songs and poems, most of which seem to have been gathered by Sir Richard Hadlee in an earlier book, Hadlee's Humour, which certainly sounds like a contradiction in terms.
The poems are generally in blank verse (or as we used to say at school - "Sir - Sir - it doesn't rhyme Sir") although the works from earlier times are much more conventional. Poetry is perhaps one of the most subjective of all literary forms and, with the emphasis on things New Zealand; it's hard to know if there will be a widespread appeal for this selection.
The editor, Mark Pirie, contributes a number and they are among the better offerings, but the standout poem is from Jenny Powell, with 'Under Cover' which evokes memories of cricket and a relationship shared at the Carisbrook ground with an underlying feeling that the relationship was becoming as sterile as some of the play. Dispassionate with a slight air of wistfulness, this is an unsettling piece and I will look to read more from Jenny Powell. Bonus points to David McGill for attempting a limerick that gets lines to rhyme with Adam Parore.

Review of Out of It by Michael O'Leary (HeadworX Wellington, New Zealand)

If there has ever been a stranger book on cricket, I've yet to see it. I always thought that Willie Rushton's W G. Grace's Last Case was the strangest but this one .........................
Well, it's a reprint of a 1987 book which is apparently a 'cult classic.' The main story (?) is of a one-day match between a proper New Zealand side led by Jeremy Coney and a team named Out Of It. The latter team is skippered by the Maori chief Te Rauparaha with Bob Marley as Vice-Captain and the likes of Janis Joplin, Oscar Wilde, Jimi Hendrix and Hermann Goring playing (look, I'm not making this up!) with a running radio commentary from standard and made-up broadcasters.
It reads not unlike one of the earliest Dadaist offerings, written under the influence of hallucinogenics and although that almost certainly isn't the case, it may have been the author's intention to read as if it was. Perhaps it's about dislocation in society - perhaps it isn't. Maybe it's about a suburban man becoming unsettled in real life and entering the surreal world of the imagination - and maybe it isn't. It's unclassifiable (and occasionally, in parts, unreadable) but if you suspend disbelief, a kind of logic can be found.
It's not a spoiler to let prospective readers know that, unlike the song, Goring lasts for three overs and not the obligatory two balls, however small.
If you can find an inexpensive copy, you will have something in your collection that will be unique.

Reviews by John Symons, editor of The Cricket Society News Bulletin.

(From Journal of the Cricket Society, Volume 26, No. 3, Autumn 2012, UK)



Mark Pirie's new book Old Hat published

My new collection of poetry, Old Hat, a book of triolets, has just been published by my company HeadworX Publishers.


broadsheet features jazz poet L E Scott

The ninth issue of my poetry journal, broadsheet: new new zealand poetry, features the New Zealand jazz poet, L E Scott. The issue celebrates Scott's contribution to New Zealand writing over 30 or more years, and includes an article on the Ballroom Poetry Cafe in Wellington that he founded in 2010.

Also included is new work by Nicola Easthope, Rangi Faith, Cliff Fell, Basim Furat (Iraq/NZ), Tony Hopkins, Tim Jones, Wanjiku Kiarie, Robert McLean, Alistair Paterson, Vaughan Rapatahana (Hong Kong/NZ), Madeleine Marie Slavick (USA/Hong Kong/NZ), Alice Te Punga Somerville, Bill Sutton, Apirana Taylor, Teresia Teaiwa and Moira Wairama. 

To read the online pdf of the issue, go to: