Tangi: A Letter to Richard Berengarten
Who'll braid peonies into our
One for each soul Death took -
Richard Berengarten
Winter draws to a close, and the first rays of spring
remind me that Persephone is trapped still,
and on the surface our prayers are
for the Māori Queen, as she is laid to rest
at the foot of her maunga.
Today it would seem
like there is now a time of drought
so eloquently put in your book.
We too are in need of a Dodola but instead
her way, in leaves, through our Winter
leavening the cold, the dark that momentarily settles
allowing Persephone to shed her tears, the people to grieve.
Poem © Mark Pirie, 2006
Dodola = Serbian rain-maiden
maunga = mountain
tangi = funeral or time of mourning