Songs for Her
A collection of love poems written between December 2021 and February 2022.
“Mark Pirie uses a verse style for his love poetry (as much else) that is spare and brief. It is unrhymed…. Love poetry is an important part of poetry as a whole. There are poets who seem incapable of writing love poetry and offer very little of it, for instance Allen Curnow, or even more surprising William Wordsworth. It is not easy to write love poetry, and even poets who make a point of doing so find it hard to come up with. So there is a real value in a volume of love poetry such as Mark Pirie has produced and has available to be collected as a separate publication. Such work doesn't grow on trees and is to be treasured highly.…I do think it was one of the historic prospects that people of the X Generation would come up with fine love poetry, Mark Pirie for one has done so. – F W N Wright”