Bibliography of Mark Pirie's Poetry
Compiled by the publisher F W Nielsen Wright and Mark Pirie is a 22-year bibliographical record of Mark Pirie's poetry publication 1992-2014.
Publisher's Introduction
"Presented here, as recorded by the author Mark Pirie, is a 22-year bibliographical record from age 17 to 38 of his poetry writing and publication 1992-2014 [over 2,000 poem publications in a dozen countries worldwide, with translation into German, Chinese and Croatian].
Mark Pirie says 1992 is the date he started writing serious poetry/verse.
The bibliography is chronological and starts in 1995 when his first poems appeared in JAAM (Just Another Art Movement) literary magazine at Victoria University of Wellington.
The bibliography includes online publications on websites - all active - at the time of publication. (This area is not comprehensive, as some of the author’s online publications no longer exist online.)
The bibliography includes all known periodical, zine, magazine, newspaper, blog and ephemeral publication of his poems internationally. Summary tables follow.
Book publication of his poetry is included in a full contents list below each book title. Ebooks (pdfs) are new publications of each poem and have separate ISBNs assigned to them.
Additional archived recordings of Mark Pirie’s poems are also in the Aotearoa New Zealand Poetry Sound Archive; only four of these are in New New Zealand Poets in Performance, AUP, 2008. There is an archived copy of the recording on CD at the Poetry Archive of NZ Aotearoa library.
This bibliography does not include the privately published supplementary material recorded by me, F W Nielsen Wright, in A Supplementary Bibliography to Mark Pirie as Author, Publisher, Editor, Original Books, 2010."